Kim Jong-un told about the "gift" for the US

30 May 2017, 11:17 | Policy
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The test of the North Korean ballistic missile was successful. This official statement spread on Tuesday, May 30, the Central Telegraph Agency of Korea (CTC). It is noted that the launch was personally attended by the leader of the DPRK Kim Jong Eun.

What kind of test is meant, CTAC does not specify. Over the past two weeks, military observers from other countries recorded at least three missile launches. The last one took place on Monday, May 29. The ballistic missile, according to preliminary data related to the Scud type, was launched from the east coast of the DPRK from Wonsan, overcame in about 6 minutes about 450 km at a maximum altitude of 100 km and fell in the exclusive economic zone of Japan.

About this missile said Kim Jong-Eun or about any of the previous, difficult to understand. Yes it does not matter. The main thing is that he was satisfied with the work of his defense complex, which not only stands guard over state security, but also sends clear signals to the enemies. And with each time these signals are all clearer and more accurate. For example, in the presence of a North Korean leader, an advanced high-precision guidance system for local production. With its help, the missile "hit the target with a deviation of only 7 meters", reports ZTAC.

Kim Jong Eun was pleased with such achievements and urged the military to continue to prepare such "gifts for the US", but even larger.

In addition to missiles with the latest guidance system, Kim Jong-no was shown "new caterpillar self-propelled launchers with improved cross-country characteristics," notes ZTAC. The leader of the nation expressed his confidence that in the near future the DPRK military will be able to demonstrate next important achievements.

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