"Po tsunami": Matios surprised with a comment on the trial of accomplices Yanukovych

25 May 2017, 19:16 | Policy
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The Chief Military Prosecutor Anatoly Matios emotionally commented on the meeting of the Pechersk court to select a preventive measure for officials suspected of involvement in the shadow schemes of former President Viktor Yanukovych and ex-head of the Ministry of Income Alexander Klimenko.

Matios said in Facebook that "to support military prosecutors in the Pechersk court" when electing a measure of restraint to former Mine Income officials, "a powerful state landing was put forward".

According to him, in the "landing", in particular, included people's deputies Sergei Leshchenko, Mustafa Nayem, Egor Sobolev, Semen Semenchenko, as well as activists of the Center for Combating Corruption, led by Vitaly Shabunin and David Sakvarelidze.

"I sincerely congratulate such a state position of the true patriots of our country. Support from the media of their fiery speeches I guarantee!. As they pass from under the walls of the Pechersk Court, journalists are puzzled over who our clients of grants, Klimenko or prosecutors, have gone to defend, "he added..

The prosecutor supplemented his record with a picture with the inscription "Po Kui Tsunami! Mao with us!".

As reported by the "Observer", earlier Anatoly Matios responded to reproaches that the officials detained on the eve of a large-scale special operation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor General's Office today the court issued bail.

On May 24, as part of the investigation into the economic block of crimes surrounding the runaway ex-president Viktor Yanukovych, the Prosecutor General's Office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs conducted the largest simultaneous operation throughout Ukraine. On the territory of 15 oblasts, half a thousand searches were carried out, dozens of high-ranking officials who were involved in large-scale schemes of tax evasion from the times of Yanukovych.

The detained officials were delivered by helicopters to Kiev. However, the Pechersk court elected many of the detainees a preventive measure not related to detention.

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