Three to six: in the Verkhovna Rada, the "button-knocker" record was spotted

25 May 2017, 19:14 | Policy
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People's Deputy of the party "Vidrodzhennya" Anton Yatsenko set a record for "klukodavstvu" in the Verkhovna Rada VIII convocation.

This was reported by activists of the social movement "Chesno".

During the voting in the plenary session on Tuesday, May 23, for the bill No. 4480 on amending certain legislative acts of Ukraine on forest protection in accordance with the Framework Convention on Protection and Sustainable Development, the Carpathian Yatsenko set a new record in the Verkhovna Rada of the VIII convocation - engaged in "push-button" Three times in 6 places.

The video of the vote shows that during the first ballot Yatsenko presses the buttons in 6 places, but for the adoption of the bill there was not enough votes.

After that, Speaker Andrei Parubiy put the bill to vote on the return, during which Yatsenko again voted in 6 places.

During the vote in the second reading and in general the People's Deputy Yatsenko again "button-squeezed" in 6 places.

As reported by the "Observer", during the voting for the abolition of the "Savchenko's Law", deputy head of the People's Front faction, chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Economic Policy Andrei Ivanchuk.

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