"We must hurry up": Ukraine was given a simple advice how to defeat Putin in Donbass

25 May 2017, 14:06 | Policy
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Kiev will be able to win the war against the Russian Federation after stopping the activities of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP) on the territory of the country.

This was on the air of "Echo of Moscow" Russian publicist Alexander Nevzorov.

"In Ukraine, there is a most curious event, for some reason ... although, yes, I already understand that it is better for Ukrainians not to give any advice. That's Ksenia Sobchak decided to somehow popoochat about, and did it correctly, benevolently and as a friend of Ukraine, but immediately received a cruel otlup. Nevertheless, I will take the liberty of recommending to the Ukrainians as soon as possible and resolutely resolving the issue with the ROC, as well as with the Moscow church, which is on the territory of Ukraine, "he said..

"Because until they stop the activities of this organization or significantly cut it in the territory of Ukraine, until then they will not be able to win even in an ideological war with Russia, since this is a propaganda organization, an organization that sucks out money from Ukraine , And on this money lives, and again, waging war against Ukraine. Therefore, here it is necessary to hurry what is called, "stressed Nevzorov.

As reported by the "Observer", previously Nevzorov predicted that the Moscow Patriarchate will be gradually ousted from Ukraine, and this will not cause people to have any protests.

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Based on materials: echo.msk.ru

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