Fishing: the situation with the head of the Ministry of Finance begins to resemble the shame of Gontareva

25 May 2017, 11:25 | Policy
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Systematic ignoring of the meetings of parliamentary committees by Finance Minister Alexander Danilyuk at a meeting with Verkhovna Rada Chairman Andrey Parubiy was noted by the heads of the two committees - tax and financial.

This was stated by the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Financial Policy and Banking Sergey Rybalk after the meeting with the Speaker.

"It turns out that the Minister of Finance ignores the invitation to the meeting of other key committees. This is also stressed by the chairman of the tax policy committee, Nina Yuzhanina. The situation with the Ministry of Finance is gradually approaching the shameful situation with the chairman of the NBU. Tell me, how can they talk about the progress of reforms if the leaders of key government bodies do not cooperate with the parliament on a daily basis? How can we talk about accelerating the way out of the crisis? And then there are accusations against the parliament. And what did they do to convince the correctness of their position not only profile committees, but also factions and groups? And when we send system offers, they find a lot of reasons to discard them or even sabotage the implementation of the laws already passed, "- said Sergei Rybalka.

He also said that his counterpart in the faction of the Radical Party and the chairman of the Committee on Industrial Policy, Victor Galasyuk, at the meeting said that even the deputy ministers had ceased to attend committee meetings.

Sergei Rybalka appealed to the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada to intervene in the situation and discussed with the head of the Cabinet the need to normalize the cooperation of government representatives with the profile parliamentary committees.

According to the head of the financial committee and a member of the Radical Party faction, the meeting also discussed prospects for considering on Thursday, May 25, financial bills that are on the threshold of the third ten. An agreement was reached: if the turnaround does not reach the financial projects, the financial block will automatically fall into the beginning of the parliamentary agenda on the next session on Thursday, said Sergei Rybalka.

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