"What a victory!": The ambassador explained the decision of the UN court in Russia

21 April 2017, 01:02 | Policy
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Intermediate decision of the International Court of Justice on Russia can not be considered a victory for Ukraine.

Such an opinion was expressed in the commentary to the "Observer" by the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Ukraine, the former representative of Ukraine to the United Nations Human Rights Council, Vladimir Vasilenko.

"What a victory there!" Yes, in part the court satisfied the demands of Ukraine. But the request of Ukraine regarding the termination of the financing of terrorism was rejected by the court, having come to the conclusion that Kiev did not provide sufficient evidence. Speaking about the process as a whole, at best it will end with a decision that recognizes the Russian Federation as a country that has violated its obligations under the "anti-discrimination" convention. I have huge doubts that Russia will be found guilty of violating the convention on the financing of terrorism. At least in full, "- said Vasilenko.

According to him, in any case, the decision of the UN court will only concern these conventions.

"It will not affect the responsibility of the Russian Federation for aggression in Ukraine. This is a separate topic, and we need to work on it. We need to prepare a consolidated claim to the Russian Federation, "summed up the ambassador.

As reported by the "Observer", April 19, the International Court of Justice announced several decisions in the case on the suit of Ukraine against Russia. Thus, the court recognized prima facie jurisdiction for the consideration of this case.

In addition, the court stated that Ukraine did not provide sufficient evidence of Russia's financing of terrorism. At the same time, the International Court of the United Nations has agreed to the introduction of measures on the suit of Ukraine against the Russian Federation regarding the protection of national minorities in the Crimea.

Also, the court ordered Ukraine and Russia to fully implement all provisions of the agreements reached in Minsk.

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Based on materials: vk.com

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