Україна балансує між другим і ттім світом

19 April 2017, 21:33 | Policy
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Сучасні держави є різним. Monarchies of the Republic. Pershohogo, other і thirdly svіtu. Імперіями як repository. National norm. Соціальними, що, як виглядає, відмирають. Authoritarian and democratic.

Україні not just knowing the site of the tsііі кваліфікації. Vona balansuє mіzh other і tretіm svіtom, аle має амбіції ввійти у перій і стати нормаю національною демократією. Більшість із того, що вона хоче, їй not to fall in. Ale vona gave a vainly trying.

Putin naming Ukraine "an unsupported power". I know how I know the Kremlin, that yoga ideology, it's not so nichivot. Fragile State Index 2016 року поміщає Україну на 85-те місце із 178 - the group of nations "із підвищеним попередженням". Це, звісно, ??не безпечне місце. Ale tse on 20 positsіy krasche, nizh Rosіya, scho perebuvaє u gruppy vishchogo risiku.

Zrozumilo, Ukraine, yak krihku rіch, mozhna rozbiti. Especially, if on її similarі йде війна, in the capital city of the elephant, in the middle of the faience, the politicians are grounded, and by the margin of battles nativ "mіskih bozhevіlnih" zі zbroєyu. Україні не дає впасти оргаізоване суспільство, яке в багатьох випадках заміняє державу, та інстинкт самозбереження неорганізованої більшості.

In Russia there is no one, no other. Those who were boo boozing Putin. Piter Pomerantsev proponuet nazvati Russia postmodern dictatorship, but vikoristvuyu moovu i інституції демократії з authoritative method. I will shortly name the spoiler: spoiler state. Tse type kraїni, yaka itself can not achieve anything, can everything be done by everyone.

Vaughn can not be a normal country. ALEVON "ponadkushuvala" vseh susіdіv, yakі want bouti normal. I stuffed with indigested chunks of Abkhazia, Osetia, Pridnistrovya, Krim and Donbass: hi its own currant truant in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. Tim, scho caught up in the vetti abused and stolen by the most numerous people, vonashtovu hackerski attacks, rozbudovu shpigunsky sits, try vlyvati on referendumi Vibory.

Rosiyu kvalіfіkuyut yak odnne z gornogikh dzherel nestablol'nost 'u svitі. Historically, there is not one taka. For the Bush-young role spoiler state vikonuvali United States. This was not the time for the president of the United States, he did not care to admit the negligent people, the boss, the stink of buli with his "own negligees," and the CIA organized a revolution in political incarnations.

Є all the same zasadnicha rednitsa. Її showing Serhii Plokhiy at his own naynovіshі book about vbivstvo Banderi: yakshchio CIA hammered mayzh vinyatkovo not his own hulk, then kremlіvskі special services - mayzhe tilki svoїh. At the same time, hto, yak Petlyura, Bandera chi Rebet, they could not be actually, but formally, they were like the territory of Russia..

The murder of Voronenkov in Kiev - subordination of the series. Zvichayno, mozhna dokoryati our sverhvnim bodies for slabkіst chi bezdіyalnіst. I think, one, but such a docir buv bi hibny. At the Great Britain service, bezpeki, singing, not girshi for українські. Tse did not help Vizhiti Litvinenko and Berezovsky.

One of the main problems із Rosiye yak spoiler state of the field is in that, wo vona spodvorjuє picture svitu. Set the wrong coordinate for the port. Vona abo viklikayє unjustified zaspokoєnnya, hobbling, we are not all so rotten - at Rosiye girshche. Abo I nepomirnu trivogu: Rosiya is omnipotent, її not peremogti.

Really, the picture is for us, Ukrainians, moe viglyadati іnakshe: Russia can be re-used, it can be remade zastosovuati butt і factor і Rosії for its zaspokoєnnya, застрашення чи вивидня.

Mayakovsky Radium "is jealous of Copernicus, and not of her husband Marya Ivanovna". Rosiya is our "husband of Mary Ivanovna". Nіhto, not tilki mi, not mozhe perestati na nyogo zvazhati: nato vin "fierce, mighty and smelly". Do not fall in the middle of a trance and do not want to be similar to the one. Мовляв, у світі динозаврів you can see more, you yourself become a dinosaur.

Ale dinosauri vimirajut.

Mi, yakshcho want to hang out, maemo "jealous to Copernicus" - tobto bouti great at his plans and ambitions. Bo is the "rule of the archer": want to get into the world,.

Hai do not confuse us. Prinymny leaves. Aley does not cease to pause, but do not give us our semblance our Maybutn.

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