What you need to know about oblitsyuvalna ceglu?

14 June 2023, 08:56 | real estate
photo e-news.com.ua
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At the current moment, various materials are being used to improve the life and facades. The most popular type is the tsegla oblitsyuvalna, it’s been a classic for a long time. Vaughn may be a decorative look, so call for zastosovuєtsya for zvnіshnіh robіt at budіvnitstvі budinkovіv i kotedzhіv.

Characteristic features of the facial cegli.

stay until temperature drops and frosts;

Mayzhe don’t choose Vologda, that doesn’t collapse;

maє soundproofing and optimal microclimate;

thermal insulation: winter is warm, but cold is cold;

clearing through the brute without difficulty;

fire, building vitrimuvati high temperatures;

do not penetrate shkidli speech.

Vibirayuchi tsegl, it is important to know why it is folded, from some of the components. There are three main stockpiles of vicory vineyards: cement, barvnik, vapnyak. The result is taken away by the militant vibr, which kindly looks at the lining of the booth, the cottage or the dacha. The geometric face chain is similar to a parallelepiped, to that it is identical to its bud counterpart.

How to lay a facing ceglu?

When laying the face chains, it is necessary to remember about safety. The laying is due to buti equal, and the seams are thin. At the first stage, the base is prepared, cleaned in the form of smitta. Even if there are some unevenness, then you can remove them with cement. The next stage is to prepare for the construction of cement and sand. Don’t stir up a lot, for it’s easy to catch. For the cob, lay the kuti, then the lining of the walls is already being created. Fasten the facing masonry to the foundation with anchors and dowels with a knitting dart.

When cladding, zastosovuyut color differences, to that, having spent it on zeglin, then it’s necessary to wipe. Then it will be easy to watch, it will be easy, more without difficulty it will be cleared in the presence of any confusion and saw.

Behind the bazhanny you can make little ones, vіzerunki z tsegl, and at the kіntsi you can make. First, the surface is cleaned and covered with a ball of primer.

And if it’s dry, then apply farba either facade or interior.

Also, the face tsegla vikoristovuєtsya in a decorative look and may have different colors. In order for there to be no other vacancies, it is necessary to make a batch with a small margin, so that we don’t buy more. The oblitsyuvalna tsegla is taken from spivvіdnostennі to the color design of the pokrіvlі, vkont that doors, and other zvnіshnіh elementіv sporudi, so that it looks beautiful, it is aesthetically pleasing.

Based on materials: uabeton.com.ua

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