In spring, banks will rewrite interest on car loans: what to expect Ukrainians

13 February 2025, 10:07 | Markets
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In Ukraine, interest on car loans can increase from March - an average of 1 percentage point, up to 16% (depending on the first contribution and loan term). The reason will be a probable increase in the discount rate in Ukraine. And before the onset of spring, banks will try to attract customers with old interest on auto loans.

At the same time, he assumes that the increase in rates for car loans will not affect the accumulated deferred demand. It arose due to a temporary stop of the work of state register after the Russian hacker attack.

" That is, new bets will not affect the weighty part of potential borrowers, ”the banker expects.

Now the most popular car loans among Ukrainians are 1-2 years loans with an initial contribution of 40 to 60% for minimum " More than 60% of car loans are issued with such conditions, Kiporenko calculated.

At the same time, he admits that in the second half of 2025, the rates for car loans can return to the level of 2024. " Consequently, car loans on car loans may also change, which will potentially increase the number of issued car loans, ”the banker summed up.

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