This year “several airports will definitely open”: Sadovoy told what decision they might make

25 January 2025, 14:13 | Markets
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Lviv Mayor Andrei Sadova said that several airports will earn in Ukraine this year. He did not specify what kind of score, but noted that " Sadovyi said this during an interview with “Your City”. Definitely that this year several airports will begin to work in Ukraine. There are technical and other possibilities for this.. There must be a political solution. Apparently it will be,"

Sadovy added that " This is a question of the security of our state." He cited the example of Israel, where they once made a political decision that during the war the Tel Aviv airport began to operate - it was the only bridge connecting Tel Aviv with the world.

" Thank God, no one shot down a single plane. All planes of the Jewish airline have special equipment under the wings, which is used if there is a danger of attack, etc.. The world has already passed. We have no other option, we must survive, live during the war.


Recently, the possibility of opening flights was discussed at the Lviv airport named after Daniil Galitsky. They noted that they "

“An operational document for the evacuation of passengers has been developed, and constant training of procedures for evacuation of people is being carried out,” the message stated..

And the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that in Ukraine, even during the war, it was possible to open an airport in Lviv if the country had F-16 fighters. Ukraine already has such fighters.

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