Experienced experience: whether graduate studies will count in it

31 January 2025, 18:31 | Economy
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Each year in Ukraine, the number of years of insurance that a person should have in order to retire by age is growing. The Telegram channel of the Main Directorate of the Pension Fund of Ukraine in the Donetsk region told whether the period of study in graduate school is counted in insurance experience.

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They explained there that in some cases it is possible.

The insurance experience is the period (term) during which the person is subject to a compulsory state pension insurance and for which insurance premiums are paid monthly in the amount of at least the minimum insurance premium (h. 1 tbsp. 24 of the Law of Ukraine " Pension insurance "

Up to 01. 01.

2004 The period of training in the daytime education in graduate school, doctoral studies and clinical residency is classified as a work on the basis of a diploma or other learning document.

After 01. 01. 2004 The time of training is counted in the insurance experience only if the voluntary payment of a social contribution by concluding an appropriate agreement with the State Tax Service is concluded.

Recall that it has changed in the calculation of insurance experience. On June 23, the Law of Ukraine 3674-IX entered into force, which, in particular, were settled by separate issues of calculating insurance experience.

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