Ukrainian banks are preparing to buy the dollar at the new rate: what to expect in a few days

23 January 2025, 22:46 | Economy
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A noticeable change in the cash dollar exchange rate is expected in Ukrainian banks. According to the forecast, over the next week (January 27 – February 2) the value of the American currency in them will be in the range of 42.3-42.85 UAH. At the same time, on the evening of January 23, banks buy dollars at an average of 41.85 UAH, and sell them at 42.4 UAH. Thus, an increase in the exchange rate both in purchase and sale cannot be ruled out..

The same processes are expected in exchangers. According to the forecast of the banking sector, from next Monday their rate will be within the same limits as in banks - 42.2-43.2 UAH. On the evening of January 23, they determined it at an average of 41.83/42.29 UAH (purchase/sale).

It is emphasized: daily exchange rate changes are expected to range up to 0.1-0.2 UAH in banks and up to 0.3 UAH in exchange offices.

Exchange rate deviations are predicted within 1-1.5% per week.

" And, accordingly, with this decrease in the regulator’s activity on the interbank market,” the banker explained.

Moreover, he concluded, nothing threatening will happen in the foreign exchange market in the coming weeks.. After all, the National Bank, according to him, convinced all market players that “it has enough opportunity to control the situation without allowing an unhealthy escalation.”.

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