In three days, power engineers restored power to more than 31 thousand. families after enemy attacks – DTEK

16 January 2025, 20:43 | Economy
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Over three days, DTEK energy workers restored light to 31.3 thousand homes. families who were without power due to enemy attacks.

This is stated in the DTEK message.

It notes that over the past three days in the Donetsk region, which remains a region of heaviest fighting, power engineers managed, with the permission of the military, to repair a number of damaged networks and return power to the homes of 21.7 thousand families whose houses were deprived of power as a result of shelling.

At the same time, in the Dnepropetrovsk region, which is also constantly exposed to enemy attacks, it was possible to restore electricity for 8.8 thousand families of local residents.

In addition, at the same time, in the Odessa region, power engineers quickly restored light for more than 700 local residents who were left without power supply due to an enemy attack.

In some settlements close to the combat zone, DTEK repair teams have restored power dozens of times and continue to do so, despite the constant danger and enemy attacks.

Let us remind you that last week, DTEK energy workers under Rinat Akhmetov restored power to more than 86 thousand families in 45 settlements that were without power supply due to shelling in the Donetsk and Dnipropetrovsk regions.

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