Social payments in 2024: how the country has ensured support for citizens

11 January 2025, 09:24 | Economy
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In 2024, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine financed all social payments, directly totaling 447.9 billion hryvnia from the state budget. Since then, the international movement has made sure to fulfill its duty to the people in order to ensure the stability of social programs in the face of harmonious economic minds..

Financing of pensions Half of the total, or 274.7 billion hryvnia itself, was allocated for pension payments, including allowances and allowances for other categories of pensioners. This made it possible to stabilize the Pension Fund and ensure the availability of payments for millions of summer people.

Supporting the flooding categories for the social protection of the communities who were stuck in their living conditions, spending 88.0 billion hryvnia. These cats were taken by individuals with disabilities from childhood, internal movements of individuals and other social groups. For example, about 462 thousand people with disabilities and over 1.1 million families who require support for living.

Benefits and subsidies One of the key directions of social payments is benefits and housing subsidies. 39.6 billion hryvnias were directly spent on this consumption, which provided support for more than 3.2 million households. Such payments significantly reduce financial pressure on the most vulnerable categories of the population.

Help for families and children The government also saw 23.4 billion hryvnia for programs to support children and families. Zokrema, which pays for pregnant women, assistance with childbirth, support for single mothers and families who have adopted children. In recent years, over 560 thousand families have received assistance with their children, and 8 thousand women have received payments related to pregnancy and pregnancy.

Other social programs In addition to the main directions, the state allocated 17.

0 billion hryvnia to help low-income families, which made it possible to support nearly 190 thousand homelands. Another 5.2 billion hryvnia were allocated for social protection of persons with disabilities.

The Ministry of Finance has confirmed that the 2024th generation will be freed from social payments and will no longer have to pay for insurance in the future.. Due to international partners and the benefits of work, social support is no longer a priority in the most economical hours.

e-news. com. ua.

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