In Ukraine, more than 7.3 billion UAH were allocated for business development under the state program “eRobot”

11 April 2024, 19:13 | Economy
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The state has invested more than UAH 7.3 billion through grants in business development under the eRobot program, reports the Diya portal.. About 15 thousand received these funds. entrepreneurs since the beginning of the project. They strengthen their production potential, increase volumes, create new jobs.

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In general, since the launch of the eRobot project in July 2022:.

under the “Vlasna on the Right” program – 13,618 microgrants worth UAH 3.2 billion were issued;

for the development of processing enterprises - 635 grants worth UAH 3.2 billion were issued;

for horticulture and the development of greenhouse farming - 177 grants were issued for UAH 778 million;

335 grants worth UAH 144 million were issued to veterans and members of their families.

We previously wrote that the automated system for registering humanitarian aid, developed at the initiative of the Ministry of Social Policy, works with a large number of technical problems and probably cannot withstand the load. This is reported by volunteers using the system to register. They believe that the developers launched a “crude” system of humanitarian aid, in which volunteers, customs officers and members of their families became hostages.

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