Ukrainians indicated the top 5 social or economic problems during the war – sociology

06 April 2024, 07:50 | Economy
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The majority of Ukrainians surveyed consider the most significant social or economic problems in Ukraine during the war to be high food prices and utility tariffs. Accordingly, the share of such respondents is 30% and 23%. These survey data were published by the sociological group "

There are three more less significant, but significant problems in life:.

unemployment – \u200b\u200b19%;

small pension or social payment – \u200b\u200b17%;

salary reduction – 14%.

Other problems in importance account for no more than 5%.

How the survey was conducted?

Survey method – telephone interview using a computer based on a random sample of mobile numbers. A total of n\u003d2,000 Ukrainian residents aged 18 years and older were surveyed. The sample does not include Ukrainians who are not currently in Ukraine. The survey data obtained are weighted by regional and age indicators using data from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine as of January 1, 2022. The error of representativeness of the study with a confidence probability of 0.95 does not exceed 2. 2%. The study was funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

In another sociological survey, the majority of Ukrainians - 61.2% believe that the level of corruption has increased over the past year. 46.3% of entrepreneurs also think.

Commenting on this difference between the results, the agency representative noted that business is indeed more optimistic about the situation than the population.

The majority of respondents, answering the question of who is responsible for overcoming corruption, both business and the population, indicated that this is, first of all, the top leadership of the country, the president, the Office of the President. “Among the population this figure is 47.5%, among businesses it is almost the same - 48.3%,” noted agency representative Dmitry Savchuk.

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