There has become more transparency: city and regional councils talked about the openness of information about their own decision

07 March 2024, 19:34 | Economy
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In Ukraine, the situation with the openness of information from city and regional councils has improved, Rukh CHESNO reported, publishing the data of its study. Openness rates are quite high now.

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“The Zaporozhye City Council has the lowest level of openness without justifying the gaps, the Kiev Regional Council explains the low score of openness with a hacker attack on its website. In the Kherson city council, due to the temporary occupation, meetings are not convened at all, and the Zaporozhye regional council was unable to start a meeting throughout 2023 due to lack of quorum,” Rukh CHESNO notes interesting details from their research.

In 2023, only one city council received a low openness score - Zaporozhye.

“Unfortunately, this indicator has not improved over the past two years, which was recorded in previous waves of the study. The Rada does not publish orders on convening the session, agenda, draft decisions, minutes and does not broadcast meetings. Heads the Rada and. Chairman - Secretary of the Council Anatoly Kurtev (“Servant of the People”),” noted in Rukh CHESNO.

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If the obligation to publish documents and reports on the activities of the council is clearly adhered to, then there are differences with citizens’ access to meetings. A number of councils have introduced a requirement for pre-registration and document verification. Radas close to the combat line hold meetings online. For example, the Dnieper City Council, headed by Boris Filatov (“Proposition”), announced that it is considering some of the issues behind closed doors.

The Poltava city council showed the greatest increase in openness, and. whose head was recently Ekaterina Yamshchikova (“Servant of the People”) - they reported on the opening of all sections.

In total, 15 rads received the highest score according to the Rukh methodology CHESNO.

The evaluation criteria included 11 marker questions, including the presence of announcements about sessions and committee meetings, publication of agendas, draft decisions, minutes and video recordings of meetings.

Previously, we wrote that Ukraine expects the European Commission to submit a negotiating framework for the country’s accession to the European Union no later than March 12, said Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Olga Stefanishyna during a conversation on the sidelines at the international platform “Restoring the Rights of Defeats”.

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