Shmigal reassured Ukrainians about plans to return citizens from abroad

06 March 2024, 17:04 | Economy
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The Ukrainian government does not plan to use administrative measures to return Ukrainians from abroad. They want to encourage them with incentives and opportunities. This was reported by the press service of Kambin with reference to Prime Minister Denis Shmygal.

" More security, more living conditions, more opportunities for self-realization,” said Shmigal.

According to the prime minister, programs within the country work for this, such as: єВіднівння, єОселья, grants and affordable loans for starting your own business.

Also, a speedy recovery continues in Ukraine - 9.

3 billion hryvnia were allocated from the Fund for Liquidation of the Consequences of Armed Aggression for the repair of residential buildings, schools, hospitals and critical infrastructure facilities.

It was reported that citizens of Ukraine who arrived in Poland after February 24, 2022, can stay legally in the country for 18 months with the possibility of extending this period.

Temporary protection period extended for Ukrainian refugees in Moldova. It will be valid until March 1, 2025.

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