KNU Rector Shevchenko bought luxury real estate for which he had no money

28 February 2024, 19:34 | Economy
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Rector of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University Vladimir Bugrov became the owner of an apartment in an elite metropolitan building. This is evidenced by the investigation " Info"

The rector insists that he had enough money. However, the expert believes that Burgov’s actions involve declaring false information.

It is noted that the newly built White Lines business class residential complex is located at the entrance to Goloseevsky Park and next to the metro station. This is behind the Dovzhenko Center, which they are trying to destroy because of developers, despite protests from the film community.

Last year, the rector of KNU Vladimir Bugrov became the owner of an apartment in the specified residential complex. So, December 21, 2023. he took over a two-room apartment with an area of \u200b\u200b74.7 square meters. Currently, such apartments cost more than 200 thousand dollars.

“Having analyzed Bugrov’s declarations, we can conclude that he did not have declared funds to purchase this property. In 2020, his family earned 1.3 million hryvnia. Between 2019 and 2020 (when the investment agreement was concluded), the savings of Bugrov and his family not only did not decrease, but, on the contrary, increased. So, where did the current rector get millions of hryvnia to buy bonds, which within a few years became an apartment in an elite residential complex, is unknown,” the investigation says.

Journalists received contracts for the purchase of bonds, on the basis of which Bugrov registered real estate.

Both the declaration and the documents received by the editors speak of 7,444 bonds worth 231 hryvnia each for a total of 1.7 million hryvnia. This is the par value of the bonds. However, according to documents, Bugrov paid almost 3.5 million hryvnia ($123,868 in 2020).

So it took the rector two years to “get rich” into luxury real estate. In 2020, the second round of rector elections was held at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, in which the Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work Vladimir Bugrov won. He received 1839 votes (47.59%).

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