Housing subsidy: how to get it for IDPs

18 February 2024, 14:38 | Economy
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Ukrainians who do not have the means to pay for utilities themselves can apply for a subsidy. Internally displaced persons can also apply. The Ministry of Social Policy told how internally displaced persons can do this.

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They noted that when assigning a housing subsidy, the living allowance provided to IDPs is not taken into account in the total income.

To receive a subsidy to pay for housing and communal services, internally displaced persons can contact:.

Service center of the Pension Fund of Ukraine;

Administrative Services Center;

to the authorized official of the executive body of the village, town, city council of the territorial community.

At the same time, you can apply for a subsidy online using:.

portal \;

PFU electronic services web portal;

mobile application of the Pension Fund of Ukraine.

To receive a subsidy you need:.

application for a subsidy;

the right to income and expenses, which indicates data on persons from the household living together;

passport, registration number of taxpayer account card;

certificate of IDP status.

You can check whether a subsidy has been assigned to pay for housing and communal services by contacting in person the authority where the person submitted documents for the subsidy or on the official PFU web portal. You must log in to your personal electronic services account using an electronic signature. The subsidy is provided at the place of actual residence - concluding a rental agreement is not necessary.

Let us remind you who has the right to receive a subsidy and what documents are needed for this. It can be used by people who cannot pay utility bills on their own..

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