Long service pension: who is entitled to it?

12 February 2024, 14:32 | Economy
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Despite the war, Ukrainians continue to receive pensions and social benefits. Some categories of citizens are entitled to a long service pension. The Pension Fund of Ukraine explained who can receive a long-service pension from the solidarity system.

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The conditions for her appointment are determined by the Law of Ukraine dated 09. 07. 2003 No. 1058-IV “On compulsory state pension insurance” and the Law of Ukraine dated 05. eleven. 1991 No. 1788-ХІІ “On pension provision”.

Long service pensions are awarded regardless of age:.

artists who have between 20 and 35 years of creative experience at the time of applying for a pension;

aviation workers and flight test personnel with appropriate length of service for men over 25 years old on 01. 04. 2015 under 26 years 6 months at 11. 10. 2017, for women - from 20 years old on 01. 04. 2015 U21 6 months by 11. 10.

employees of education, health care and social security with a special work experience of at least 25 years as of 01. 04. 2015 under 26 years 6 months at 11. 10. 2017.

athletes with only 25 years of experience, including participation in national teams of Ukraine for only 6 years.

Upon reaching the age of 50/55 years for men, 45/50 for women and having the appropriate total length of service, including length of service:.

dispatchers performing air traffic control, civil aviation engineering and technical staff;

flight attendants;

railway and metro workers;

workers engaged in field geological exploration work;

workers involved in logging and timber rafting;

machine operators (docker-mechanizers) in ports;

seafarers, river fleets and fishing industry fleets.

The size of pensions is determined in accordance with Articles 27, 28 of the Law of Ukraine dated 09. 07. 2003 No.

1058-IV “On compulsory state pension insurance” and depend on the duration of the acquired insurance period and the salary received from which insurance contributions were paid.

Appointed from the date of application upon dismissal from a job/position giving the right to such a pension.

Let us remind you what calendar length of service is and how it is calculated for military personnel. In order to be able to receive pension payments for long service, a military man must meet certain conditions.

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