Military pensions: how they could change this year

08 February 2024, 14:42 | Economy
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Ukrainian military personnel have the right to receive certain types of pensions. Payment amounts may increase in 2024.

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Pension expert Sergei Korobkin told how they may change this year, writes “In Retirement”. Possible changes will occur due to indexation and an increase in the cost of living.

The expert recalled that annual indexation of pensions is traditionally carried out from March 1. Starting last year, military pensions are also subject to indexation on a general basis.. According to preliminary calculations by officials, the estimated indexation level will be 13%. The final decision on increasing pensions and the procedure for March indexation should be made by the Cabinet of Ministers.

If the decision is made, all military pensions will be increased by approximately 13%. We are talking about the basic pension amount without increases.. Minimum disability pensions should be increased by an appropriate percentage. Today the minimum disability pension for military personnel is:.

I disability group – 5512.19 hryvnia;

Group II – 5262.01 hryvnia;

ІІІ group – 5010.64 hryvnia.

Therefore, in March these sizes should increase by approximately 651-716 hryvnia. Depending on the rank, position, disability group and its causes, these amounts may be another 10-30% higher.

At the same time, it is known that individual additional payments to war veterans depend on the cost of living. From January 1, the cost of living for persons who have lost their ability to work increased from 2093 to 2361 hryvnia. However, recalculation of pensions and bonuses depending on this indicator should be made only from March 1, together with indexation. This note was made in the Law “On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2024”.

Participants in combat operations are paid an additional 25% of the subsistence level to their pension, and persons with disabilities as a result of the war:.

Group III – 30%;

Group II – 40%;

Group I – 50%.

At the same time, the total amount of the pension with all allowances cannot be less than 210% of the subsistence level for participants in combat operations, 360% for persons with disabilities as a result of the war of group III, 525% for group II and 650% for group I.

According to preliminary estimates, after March 1, the size of the minimum pension payments to persons with disabilities as a result of war and combatants will change as follows:.

for persons with disabilities as a result of war, group I - from UAH 13,604.5. up to 15,346.5 UAH.

for persons with disabilities as a result of war II group - from 10,988.25 UAH. up to 12,395.25 UAH.

for persons with disabilities as a result of war III group - from 7534.8 UAH to 8499.6 UAH;

for combatants - from 4395.3 UAH. up to 4,958.1 UAH.

Thus, we see that from March 2024 the minimum pension for a combat veteran is increasing by more than 560 hryvnia, and some persons with disabilities as a result of the war can count on an additional payment of up to 1,742 hryvnia. Naturally, it is better to consider each case using specific examples, based on the basic size of the pension, available bonuses and the likely indexation that can occur in parallel.

Let us remind you which pensioners will not be affected by pension indexation this year. There are certain categories that will not experience increased payments.

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