A private company compensated Ukrzaliznytsia for UAH 68 million in losses

30 January 2024, 23:50 | Economy
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Anti-corruption authorities have achieved compensation for 80% of the damage caused to Ukrzaliznytsia as a result of criminal actions by the management of a private company during 2016-2020, reports the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office.

From August 2023 to January 2024, more than 68 million UAH were transferred to the accounts of Ukrzaliznytsia.

Let us recall that as part of the pre-trial investigation it was established that from December 2016 to January 2020, officials of the branch " cube. At the same time, Ukrzaliznytsia employees hid the receipt of more profitable offers from gas market participants, deliberately preferring only two predetermined companies.

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Let us note that the implementation of this scheme caused damage to Ukrzaliznytsia totaling more than 206 million. UAH. According to investigators, these funds were distributed among participants in the criminal scheme.

Subsequently, the company recognized the unacceptability of the criminal actions committed by its own management and agreed to compensate Ukrzaliznytsia for part of the damage caused within six months..

To date, a pre-trial investigation has been completed in the case against two participants in the criminal scheme, namely one of the managers of the branch "

Two more participants in the scheme pleaded guilty to the crimes charged.. According to the agreements to plead guilty, they reimbursed UAH 2 million to Ukrzaliznytsia JSC and another UAH 3 million was transferred to the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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