NEURC boasted that for the first time in Ukraine a license was issued for energy storage

08 June 2023, 19:01 | Economy
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For the first time in the history of Ukraine, the National Energy Regulatory Commission (NEURC) issued a license for the right to carry out economic activities for energy storage. This was announced by the head of the regulator Konstantin Ushchapovsky at a meeting of the NEURC on Thursday, June 8.

According to the report, the license was received by LLC "

" ) and the secondary regulatory framework, we are considering the submission of a future licensee for energy storage, and this is a landmark event,"

However, the National Commission did not indicate the location and capacity of the energy storage facility, arguing that "

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Recall that the head of the NEURC Konstantin Ushchapovsky said that the reason for the increase in the electricity tariff for the population is the need to restore the energy infrastructure after shelling.

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