At the end of 2022, the government decided to join the Social Insurance Fund to the Pension Fund, which meant in fact its liquidation. Now all social payments and subsidies are handled by the Pension Fund of Ukraine.
[see_also ids\u003d"
Since January 1, the PFU has set the amount of the allowance for the burial of the insured person or the person who was in his care at the level of UAH 4,100. The new amount was approved by the resolution of the board of the fund dated 26. 12. 2022. No. 29-1.
The list of persons who can receive assistance for burial is indicated in Art.. 20 of the Law "
According to it, assistance for burial is provided in the event of the death of the insured person or family members who were in his care:.
spouses (wife);
children, brothers, sisters and grandchildren under the age of 18 or older than this age, if they became persons with disabilities before the age of 18 (brothers, sisters and grandchildren - provided that they do not have able-bodied parents), and applicants for a professional (professionally);
father, mother;
grandfather, women in a straight line of kinship.
Family members who are considered to be dependent on the deceased include persons if they: were fully dependent on him;
received assistance from the deceased, which was for them a permanent and main source of livelihood. Family members who had independent sources of livelihood (received wages, pensions, etc.) are not considered to be supported by the insured person..
Assistance is provided to the insured person, a member of his family or other legal or natural persons who have performed the burial.
Recall who and how can receive care allowance for persons in need.