The IAEA will place its technical missions on a permanent basis at all NPPs in Ukraine

13 December 2022, 13:52 | Economy
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International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) intends to send technical missions to all nuclear power plants in Ukraine. It is planned that they will work at the stations on a permanent basis, said the head of the IAEA Rafael Grossi at a meeting with Prime Minister Denis Shmihal.

The Ukrainian Prime Minister assessed the initiative as follows: " This will significantly improve technical and technological safety."

Shmihal and Grossi also discussed the steps needed to demilitarize the Zaporozhye NPP, located in the temporarily occupied territory..

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As of December 9, the IAEA has not identified any changes in the status of the ZNPP reactor units - the fifth and sixth units continue to operate in hot shutdown mode, generating steam for the site and heating water for district heating. The nuclear power plant continues to receive electricity only with the help of an external line with a voltage of 750 kV and a backup line with a voltage of 330 kV from a neighboring thermal power plant.

According to the organization, specialists have almost completed the elimination of damage on the site caused by Russian shelling on November 19-20. Only minor damage remains, which does not raise safety concerns..

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