Russia steals Ukrainian water for 32 million hryvnia daily

03 April 2022, 12:40 | Economy
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Dnieper water flowed into the annexed Crimea by the North Crimean Canal. Now Russia steals 4.3 million cubic meters daily. m of Ukrainian water for 32 million hryvnia - the losses were calculated in the State Environmental Inspectorate of Ukraine. They note that when the canal is completely filled, the Russians will be able to turn on the pumps and Ukrainian water losses will increase.. About it for ZN. UA writes Maria Dyachuk, specialist of the environmental protection department of the NGO \?

The Autonomous Republic of Crimea received about 85% from the mainland by the North Crimean Canal from the Kakhovka Reservoir.

Due to the occupation by Russian troops, water supply through the North Crimean Canal was suspended, because international humanitarian law, which protects the civilian population during the war, obliges the occupier to provide for the needs of people in these territories. It is obvious that in 8 years Russia did not bother to provide Crimea with enough water, which led to a water crisis in the region..

In addition, due to the lack of water, especially in the steppe zone of Crimea, the infidels began to develop new and increase the production of existing underground sources.. The consequence of these actions was the rapid salinization of the upper layers of the soil, which led to an even greater deterioration in water quality and the loss of these lands for agricultural use..

In Crimea, 72% of the water from the North Crimean Canal was used in the agricultural sector, including for irrigation. Attempts by the occupying authorities to restore water supply to the Crimea may be associated with attempts to use this water for the needs of local agriculture.

That is, the amount of water consumption from the Dnieper may increase several times due to the needs of the agricultural sector.. Already, the losses are colossal, and with the full restoration of water supplies to Crimea without proper infrastructure, regulation and control, they can bring serious negative consequences for both mainland Ukraine and the peninsula..

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Read more about how the war affects the situation with water in Ukraine in the text of Maria Dyachuk.

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