Two companies with Ukrainian founders were included in the top 100 most influential businesses in the world by Time

01 April 2022, 13:23 | Economy
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Grammarly (the most expensive startup in Ukraine) and financial startup Revolut with Ukrainian founders entered the top 100 most influential businesses in the world according to Time, Forbes reports..

It is specified that Grammarly entered the category " Today, over 30 million people use Grammarly every day..

Revolut payment service, founded by Russian Nikolai Storonsky and Ukrainian Vlad Yatsenko, entered the " Time's attention was drawn to the fact that during the war in Ukraine, Revolut became available to Ukrainians in the EU..

Grammarly - the company has three founders from Ukraine: Maxim Litvin, Alexey Shevchenko and Dmitry Lider.

They launched their business in 2009 in Kyiv. $13 billion was invested in the project.

Revolut is the largest UK fintech startup worth $33 billion. The company, however, has many problems, writes Time.. Many employees leave their jobs due to a rigid corporate culture, and the company's financial performance remains negative.

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According to a Gradus Research survey, Ukrainian business most of all expects tax holidays from the authorities..

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