Akhmetov's enterprises will sue the Russian Federation for damages

01 April 2022, 12:33 | Economy
photo glavnoe.ua
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Businessman Rinat Akhmetov is sure that after the war Ukraine will receive full reparations from Russia. He announced this in a Bloomberg comment.. “I am sure that Ukraine will demand and receive reparations in full,” the businessman said.. He added that the SCM enterprises belonging to him will file claims against the Russian Federation for compensation for damage caused by military aggression..

“SCM will certainly file a lawsuit against the Russian Federation demanding compensation for all losses caused by Russian military aggression,” Rinat Akhmetov said.. According to Metivest Media, now all the efforts of the businessman and his assets are focused on ensuring that Ukraine wins the war unleashed by Russia.. “All our efforts are focused on the only thing that matters – helping Ukraine win this war, helping Ukrainians survive and alleviating their pain and suffering,” Rinat Akhmetov said..

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