Two helicopters owned by Russian billionaire arrested in France - Forbes

01 April 2022, 10:57 | Economy
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Two helicopters of Russian billionaire Alisher Usmanov arrested in France. It is reported by Forbes. The total cost of both aircraft is $26 million..

Usmanov, 68, is one of Russia's richest men. He was the first investor in Facebook and now owns a stake in the steel company Metalinvest.. A spokesman for the billionaire in a Forbes commentary said that he does not own helicopters - they were transferred to family trusts.

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Previously, Spain arrested a yacht worth 140 million. dollars of the sanctioned Russian oligarch Chemezov. The country's authorities promised that " At the same time, monitoring website Marine Traffic reports that yachts linked to two other oligarchs not yet sanctioned are also moored in Barcelona..

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