The dollar fell slightly after 3 days of growth

22 December 2021, 11:32 | Economy
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On December 22, 2021, the National Bank of Ukraine set the official exchange rate at the level of 27.25 hryvnia per dollar. The exchange rate fell by 3 kopecks compared to the previous banking day.

The official exchange rate of the hryvnia against the dollar for Wednesday is set at the following level: 27.2598 hryvnia for 1 dollar (-0.0248 hryvnia). At the same time, the dollar exchange rate as of December 21 was 27.2846 hryvnia per dollar..

The euro exchange rate is set at 30.78 hryvnia per euro. This is 2 kopecks higher compared to the previous banking day.

The official euro exchange rate for December 22 is set at the following level: 30.7859 hryvnia per euro (+0.0198 hryvnia). At the same time, the euro rate as of December 21 was 30.7661 hryvnia per euro.

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