The dollar and the euro go down. Exchange rates for July 15, 2021

15 July 2021, 09:25 | Economy
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On July 15, 2021, the National Bank of Ukraine set the official exchange rate at UAH 27.30 per dollar. The exchange rate is 2 kopecks lower compared to the previous banking day.

The official exchange rate of the hryvnia against the dollar as of July 15 is set at the following level: 27.3047 hryvnia for 1 dollar (-0.0169 hryvnia). At the same time, the dollar exchange rate as of July 14 was 27.3216 hryvnia per dollar..

The euro exchange rate is set at 32.24 hryvnia per euro. This is 13 kopecks lower compared to the previous banking day.

The official euro exchange rate for July 15 is set at the following level: 32.2482 hryvnia per euro (-0.1238 hryvnia). At the same time, the euro rate as of July 14 was 32.372 hryvnia per euro.

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