Predicted the future of the ruble

30 September 2018, 16:19 | Economy
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Over the next 17 years, the ruble will retain approximately the same position in relation to the dollar as now. This follows from the forecast of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.. According to the department, until 2020, the average dollar will cost nearly 62 rubles..

In the next five years (2021-2025), the ruble will drop to 66.4 rubles for the "evergreen". In the years 2026-2030, the ruble will weaken a little more - to 71.1 rubles. In the next five years, the dollar will grow again - to 73.9 rubles. The document states that this is the nominal exchange rate of the ruble without taking into account the exchange rate of the countries that trade with Russia. Nevertheless, the Finance Ministry is confident that the real value of the ruble against the dollar will be relatively stable.

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