The dollar will peak in a month

06 September 2018, 11:11 | Economy
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The ruble is under strong pressure, and this situation will last for more than one week. Negative factors have not gone away, and support for the national currency is gradually disappearing. By the beginning of next month the US dollar can reach the maximum value in recent times. At the auction on Wednesday, September 5, the Russian currency lost 14 cents to the dollar and 46 - to the euro. As a result, the value of the US currency reached a rate of 68.25 rubles, the European - in 79.39 rubles. This is reported on the website of the Moscow Stock Exchange. According to experts, "the pressure factors remain the usual threats of anti-Russian sanctions, capital flight from developing countries, aggravation of the situation in Syria, and so on". To them this week added another unpleasant for the ruble circumstance - the fall in prices in the oil market. It was due to speculation on the impending tropical storm in the Gulf of Mexico. "In a wave of forecasts about possible interruptions in the oilfields, quotations rose to $ 80, however, as soon as the opinions began to appear that the consequences of the natural cataclysm were exaggerated, prices immediately fell to $ 77 and are in no hurry to recover," explained in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Analyst of the social network for eToro investors in Russia and the CIS Sikhail Maschenko. The control shot was the worsening of the forecasts of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation regarding GDP growth for the year.

The indicative figure was reduced from 1.9% to 1.8%. At the same time, the outlook for capital outflow increased from $ 18 billion to $ 41 billion by the end of the year. This did not add optimism to investors. The only straw for which the weakening ruble is still trying to seize is the suspension of purchases of foreign currency by the Bank of Russia. There has been no intervention for a month, and this slows down the ruble somewhat, but does not lead to its strengthening. There are no other reasons for optimism, and therefore we should expect that already with the onset of October, the dollar will come close to the psychological mark of 70 rubles, and perhaps even overcome it.

With this agrees and the analyst of the company "Alpari" Vladislav Antonov. "The dollar / ruble remains trading near the level of 68 rubles. Up to a mark of 69.4 rubles per US dollar all is free. Buyers do not hold anything at the current level. They need a little activity, so that against the background of a decline in oil quotations and RGBI (the index of government bonds of Russia. - Prim. "Morning. py "), the dollar rate was fixed above 69 rubles," - quotes the expert "Prime".

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