Sanctions against Russia were considered useless

06 August 2018, 14:11 | Economy
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Russia is able to neutralize any restrictive measures, including the imposition of US sanctions on Russia's sovereign securities. This was stated by the analyst of Moody's agency Christine Lindow. She explained that Moscow had earlier taken steps to reduce the dependence of its economy on the West, including reduced its investments in US treasury securities. This made the Russian economy less vulnerable, the expert said in an interview with Bloomberg.

Last week, US senators announced their intention to impose new sanctions against the Russian Federation, including those relating to public debt. The bill will be considered in September. However, it is unlikely that the initiative has a chance to implement, says Lindow. She recalls, what consequences for the whole world American sanctions against "RusAl". Now, the US Treasury will be much more strict in monitoring Congress decisions, fearing undesirable effects, the analyst points out.. Earlier experts on the financial market predicted the fall of the ruble due to new US sanctions.

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