Reva offered to charge a subsidy and work experience to Ukrainians working abroad

17 April 2018, 15:50 | Economy
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The Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine, Andrei Reva, suggested charging the subsidy and work experience to Ukrainians who work abroad. About this Reva told reporters on Tuesday, April 17, transmits "112 Ukraine". "We propose to encourage them (people working abroad) to voluntarily insure. That is, we are ready to subsidize families where people work abroad provided that they voluntarily insure themselves and pay a contribution at least 3 months. For 3 months, the minimum payment is 2500 UAH, and we give them a subsidy and an insurance record for this, which will give people the right to a pension. This is a stimulating moment that should give people the opportunity to use the social protection system, "- said Andrei Reva.

Recall, in mid-March in Ukraine launched a register of recipients of subsidies, which allow to make the mechanism for obtaining subsidies more transparent and monitor the efficiency of payments from the state budget. The Prime Minister of Ukraine noted that the establishment of the register is an important step for verification and avoidance of abuses with subsidies. Earlier, the Ministry of Social Policy announced that it intends to publish the names of citizens who receive housing subsidies.

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