Than Russia faces a sanctions war

13 April 2018, 14:23 | Economy
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Russia is capable of giving a worthy response to the US sanctions attack. Our country can demand from Americans to immediately return all debts, as well as to nationalize the representation of US companies in Russia. However, such actions will also damage the Russian economy.

Therefore, it is better to just actively conquer markets in other regions of the world. On April 6, the US imposed sanctions against the defendants of the "Kremlin report" and their companies. This led to the collapse of the Russian stock market and the ruble depreciation by 10%. Now the Congress is preparing a bill to ban transactions with sovereign bonds of the Russian Federation with a maturity of more than 14 days. The law in case of adoption can enter into force on July 8, and this will further affect Russia. There are not so many options for a symmetrical answer in our country, but they are, notes "Vzglyad". First of all, Moscow may refuse to participate in joint projects. "Russia is able to" annoy "the US by stopping or severely restricting cooperation in outer space, or having curtailed the supply of components for Boeing aircraft, to close the supply of titanium," Petr Pushkarev, chief analyst of the TeleTrade Group. However, these are pinpoint injections. More visible for the US economy is the threat of the withdrawal of Russian funds from the US public debt. Now the Americans owe our country about $ 100 billion. For a country whose national debt exceeds $ 20 trillion, this is a meager amount, and America will not notice the loss of funds. But Washington is facing reputational losses. Investors can panic, other states can also pull their financial flows from the dollar zone to other jurisdictions. In addition, China is already gradually withdrawing its money from US bonds. Moscow can also strike at American business by nationalizing companies from the US that work in our country. The top 50 largest foreign companies in Russia include nine US companies with a multi-billion dollar revenue. The nationalization of the business will not kill, jobs will be preserved, but it will be extremely unpleasant for US companies to leave the market, where they earned quite well for decades. Finally, the Russian Federation can refuse to pay sovereign and corporate debts to Americans, and at the same time freeze their shares in Russian companies and not pay dividends to them. The share of American non-residents in free float is 30-40%, this is a very large amount of funds. However, all these steps are bad because the negative effect for Russia will also be very noticeable. The US bonds bring a good income to the Russian Federation, it will be a pity to part with them. The rejection of dollars will ruin our economy, because the Ministry of Finance will not be able to maintain the viability of the ruble with the help of foreign exchange interventions, but the main thing is that our country will be completely cut off from world trade. A deficit of imported goods - drugs, clothing, household appliances, cars. The nationalization of American enterprises will lead to the flight of foreign capital abroad, the destruction of the investment climate and the threat of complete international isolation of Russia. "As a result, deprived of the international financial system, we can easily enter into a situation of strong economic decline," states the first vice-president of the Russian Club of Financial Directors Tamara Kasyanova.

The best thing that the authorities of our country can do is not to respond to the US with "mirror" and "symmetrical" measures, but to build new economic ties, channels and structures with alternative regions of the world, in particular, with Asia and Latin America. "Seeing that sanctions only encourage Russia to consolidate itself in new markets, to economically" conquer "new territories of influence, the West will think about it for some time, and whether it is worth further inducing Russia to do this," concluded Peter Pushkarev.

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