The price increase is planned for autumn

11 April 2018, 16:51 | Economy
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The seasonal renovation of the wardrobe will soon become an inaccessible luxury for most Russians. The prices for clothes, shoes, bags and other necessary things already in autumn can become noticeably higher than previous ones. The reason for this is the exchange rates of foreign currencies, since 80% of retailers are directly dependent on foreign deliveries. "If, say, the dollar grows by 20%, then for the end consumer the price will increase by 10%. The remaining 10% will be divided among themselves by suppliers and retailers by reducing their marginality, "President of Baon Ilya Yaroshenko told Kommersant. And it does not matter, Russian is a brand or a foreign. According to Yaroshenko, "even with the transfer of production to Russia, currency risks can not be completely avoided, since there is no own raw materials base". The president of Finn Flare Ksenia Ryasova agrees with him. In particular, its company is 80% dependent today on imports, including the purchase of fabrics, accessories, production. A similar situation with shoes. According to Anton Titov, the general director of Obuv Rossii, last year the share of imports in the Russian footwear market reached 80%.

Owners of shoe chains are ready to suffer if the fall of the ruble is 5-10%, but if the pit is deeper, then the price increase is inevitable in a few months, when the autumn-winter collection will go on sale.. Previously, the upcoming price increase was announced by Russian electronics and home appliances sellers. The ruble began a sharp decline on Monday, April 9. Experts attribute this to the new sanctions imposed by the United States against Russia. On Wednesday, April 11, the dollar rate was 64.55 rubles. The euro rose by 2.11 rubles. and reached the mark of 79 rubles. 96 kopecks.

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