When the currency fever ends

11 April 2018, 15:12 | Economy
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During the auctions on the Moscow stock exchange on April 11, the euro rate rose above 80 rubles. This happened for the first time in more than two years. So much the single European currency last cost in March 2016. At the moment, the ruble has pushed foreign currencies out of dangerous lines. Nevertheless, the rate of weakening foreign exchange looks frighteningly. Since the beginning of the trading session, the dollar has risen in price by 1.13 rubles, the euro - by 1.49 rubles. At the moment, a unit of American currency is given 64.14 rubles, a "European" costs 79.34 rubles. The ruble retains a colossal dependence on the geopolitical agenda. The emergence of negative news, primarily about the development of the conflict in Syria, leads to new shocks. On the eve of the closure of the exchanges, a meeting of the UN Security Council was held, at which it became clear that the situation in the Middle Eastern republic was far from being resolved. Because of this, the ruble experienced another fall this morning. When all the steam was released, the national currency strengthened slightly, the analyst of Nordea Bank Denis Davydov. If the bad news reappears, the "wooden" can now go to the range of 65-70 rubles for $ 1. Further developments in the foreign exchange market can not be predicted. Oil continues to steadily rise in price, and this circumstance pulls the ruble rate upwards. The fall in the volume of investments in Russian assets drags the national currency in the opposite direction. At any time, the geopolitical factor can intervene, and this will prove to be a decisive factor. So far, it is unlikely that geopolitical tension will weaken. "The Case of Skripal" continues to be on the agenda.

The Americans once again started talking about another batch of restrictive measures against Russian business, when our country has not recovered from the previous strike. Conflict in Syria, it seems, will only continue to be heated.

The more Americans say about the readiness to strike at the positions of Bashar Assad, the more persistent representatives of the Russian authorities promise Washington "serious consequences". Thus, Moscow further weakens the position of the ruble. Citizens are already ready to rush into stores to buy household appliances on their ruble savings, until they are devalued, or to banks - to buy a more stable currency. Experts advise them not to do this:.

the situation remains uncertain, the dollar and the euro can at any moment move away from the peak values ??in the direction of decline, and then people who bought up foreign exchange will lose. Russian authorities continue to maintain Olympic calm, watching the fluctuations in the ruble rate. The Ministry of Finance said that they do not see the threat to the stability of the Russian economy, and therefore the agency is not going to take any measures to strengthen the ruble. Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov blamed speculators for everything. "These are emotional manifestations, maybe partly speculative manifestations. It requires a calm and sober assessment of the situation. You know that volatility happens. The system has a fair safety margin, "he said.. Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev promised that sanctions are even good for the Russian economy. A pier, our country will cope with this pressure and even will turn it to itself on advantage. Independent experts believe that the ruble's exchange rate will stabilize when the situation becomes clear regarding further sanctions and geopolitical tensions.

At the same time, they warn that in the coming weeks the dollar will not return to the level of 57-58 rubles, where it was more than a year. Correction may take several months. "As the situation stabilizes and risks are assessed, support from the oil will not let the ruble fail.

I think that the return of the exchange rate to 60-61 ruble is quite possible in the absence of an additional flow of negativity, "- believes the analyst of the Criminal Code" Alfa-Capital "Daria Zhelannova.

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