Ukraine will launch a train that will run through 4 European capitals

11 April 2018, 12:22 | Economy
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Deputy Minister of Infrastructure Yury Lavrenyuk reported this on his page in the social network:.

Potyagu "chotiryokh capitals" buti.

Tariffna rada МІU has praised the decision about the introduction of changes to Tariffs for the transportation of passengers and luggage by the passenger transport near the International Sponsorship.

The Ministry of Infrastructure Volodymyr Omelyan, having written an executive order, which has been straightened up to the Ministry of Justice for the state reestra- tion.

UZ Vzhe bought 28 new Pasazhirs wagons at the Krukivsky carload factory, which will be found by the hour of the coursework at the strait Kyiv-Minsk-Vilnius-Riga.

Vartіst kvitka compartment car to Riga, bude stanoviti close to 1855 UAH (59 €).

Well, chim is not a Halloween "low-cost"? )) Працюємо далі.

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