Poland will buy Ukraine's dynamic defense complexes for its tanks

11 April 2018, 11:56 | Economy
photo glavnoe.ua
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Poland will acquire more than 500 Ukrainian dynamic defense complexes for the modernization of the T-72 tank fleet.

This was reported in an interview with the information agency "Defense Industry Courier" Director of the State Enterprise "Core Center for Critical Technologies" Microtech "Sergei Shvydkoi, writes the Left Bank.

"Following the results of successful tests, Ukroboronservice signed a contract with one of the Polish companies to supply more than 500 of our dynamic defense systems. Poland has a very large fleet of T-72 tanks - more than 900 units - and, due to the transition to the production techniques of NATO countries, they intend to upgrade 500 of them and sell them to a third party, "Shvydkoi said..

According to him, in this project Microtech participates in the part of dynamic protection, and the KMDB them. Morozova - in the modernization of the tower. "In January we passed an indicative certification in Poland - there were representatives of WITU (Wojskowy Instytut Techniczny Uzbrojenia, Military Institute of Defense Technologies). That is, it is the first NATO country to certify our products and order our complexes, while having its own dynamic defense of ERAWA-1 and ERAWA-2, which are not adopted by the Polish security structures, "said the director of Microtech.

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