Ukraine was puffed up by Eurogas

15 March 2018, 12:25 | Economy
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Kiev will do well without gas supplies from Russia. He has enough of his own natural wealth, as well as the gas that the country buys in Europe. The fact that he is also Russian, Ukrainians prefer not to notice. According to the state company Naftogaz, when the cold weather returns, the residents of the country will not freeze - there will be enough gas for everyone. "At present, for the needs of the population, Naftogaz uses gas reserves from UGS facilities, where 9 billion cubic meters are located, which is almost 1 billion cubic meters more than last year, own gas and imports gas from the European direction. The gas from these sources is enough to cover the needs of the population during the cold season, "the Ukrainian company. Meanwhile, the energy sector asks the Ukrainians not to relax and do not turn on the batteries to full capacity.. "Naftogaz" stands for the efficient use of energy and is grateful to the Ukrainians for joining the initiative "to tie up", the company's statement says.. Kiev firmly believes in the stability of European supplies. In "Naftogaz" noted that fuel stably comes from the EU countries "in pursuance of concluded contracts". To think about the gas reserves of the Ukrainian company was due to the fact that the local weather forecasters promised for the coming days is not the spring weather. At the end of this and early next week, according to the forecast of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, the Arctic cold will return to the country. The air temperature at night will drop to -11 ... -13 degrees. However much representatives of the Ukrainian authorities boast about the fact that the country can quite cope without direct contacts with Gazprom, the leadership of Naftogaz is going to resume the negotiation process with the Russian side before the end of this month. Only in this way will Kiev be able to count on receiving compensation awarded by the Stolkholm arbitration. "By the end of the month, a" meeting on the Elbe "(or on some other beautiful river) with our dear monopoly. "Naftogaz" will inform Gazprom at the meeting that it does not agree to terminate the contracts, "- said in a message on the page of Naftogaz on Facebook. The company was also informed that the Ukrainian side once again demanded the revision of tariffs and the implementation of the arbitration award. Gazprom confirmed that negotiations will be held in the coming days. According to the Russian company, we will talk about the termination of existing contracts. Cancellation of agreements will allow Gazprom to avoid possible penalties for reducing transit volumesUkraine has stopped buying gas from the Russian Federation in November 2015 and in 2016-2017 it has not used Russian fuel in preparation for the heating season, pumping gas to the stores bought on the reverse in Europe. Since March 1, Gazprom was supposed to resume gas supplies to Ukraine, but refused to do so because of an uncoordinated supplementary agreement to the contract and returned the prepayment. Kiev announced the emergence of this gas deficit in the country in the face of severe frosts and limited consumption of "blue fuel" until March 6. "Naftogaz" against the backdrop of a cold snap urgently increased gas imports from the EU countries. The Stockholm arbitration granted the demand of Ukraine and decided to recover 2.5 billion euros from the Russian Federation for reducing the volume of transit of Russian gas through the Ukrainian territory.

Kiev declared its readiness to impose an arrest on the assets of the Russian monopoly and on Russian gas that goes to Europe.

After that, the head of Gazprom Alexei Miller said that the concern is forced to immediately begin at the Stockholm Arbitration the procedure for the termination of contracts with Naftogaz for the supply and transit of gas. He explained this by saying that the decisions of this court in the dispute of the companies created an imbalance of their interests and made the continuation of contracts economically inexpedient for Gazprom,.

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