Ukraine has reduced the export of iron ore

09 January 2018, 14:08 | Economy
photo УРА-Информ
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This is evidenced by the data of customs statistics released by the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine.

Note that in monetary terms, Ukraine increased exports by 41.6%, to $ 2.588 billion. At the same time, the share of the commodity position in the total volume of exports in monetary terms was 5.9%.

The largest importer of Ukrainian iron ore last year was China, deliveries in which amounted to $ 720.334 million, or 27.8% of the total exports of these products.

In second place Slovakia, exports to which for the year amounted to 312.195 million dollars (12.1%) and Austria - by 292.03 million dollars (11.3%). In other countries, iron ore was exported by $ 1.263 billion (48.8%).

Ukraine in 2017 reduced imports of iron ore and concentrate by 5.9 times - to 296.561 thousand.

tons, in monetary terms - by 2.6 times, to $ 29.375 million. The largest import deliveries were made from Russia - by $ 29.267 million (99.6% of total imports of the commodity position in monetary terms). The share of the commodity position in total exports in monetary terms amounted to 0.06%.

Recall, as previously reported, "URA-Inform", China is the main source of fuel for North Korea. Thus, the export of gasoline, jet fuel, diesel fuel or fuel oil is completely blocked.

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