The EU can initiate the creation of the European Monetary Fund

15 December 2017, 22:53 | Economy
photo УРА-Информ
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This is reported by the press center of the EU.

According to the president of the European Council Donald Tusk, the European community is preparing a new draft of the reforms of the European Union, the leaders of the countries recently presented their plans for expanding financial cooperation.

In the next six months, the finance ministers of the EU members will deal with the creation of a new financial institution - the European Monetary Fund. The Office will work to improve the stability and stability of the euro area, as well as the structuring of the region's economy.

The first draft decision of EU leaders can be presented to the public this spring.

As reported in URA-Inform, the Council of the European Union recently approved the European program of the Permanent Structured Security and Defense Cooperation.

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