The central bank has brought down the ruble

15 December 2017, 21:37 | Economy
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After the CBR announced its decision to lower the key rate to 7.75% per annum, the ruble was sour, its quotes on the Moscow stock market plunged downwards. In relation to the dollar at that moment, the Russian currency lost 17 kopecks, falling to 59.05 rubles for one "American", and 12 kopecks to the euro - to 69.58 rubles. The surprise of the rate cut can be considered an anti-crisis action, the head of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina himself does not hide this, explaining the reasons for making such a decision, noted that the dynamics of real GDP deteriorated in recent months and there is a threat that this trend will continue. True, the "bitter pill", she sweetened with information about the low level of inflation, which was better than the expectations of the regulator, and a favorable external economic background. But, as Nabiullina warned, in the near future, probably, it is not worthwhile to expect a further rate cut - the Central Bank will take a pause. According to experts, the decision of the regulator at a key rate is still expected and even not radical enough, based on the current situation. So, Anton Tarbah from "Expert RA" is sure - this is the reaction of the Central Bank to the situation in the banking sector.

But according to the expert, who notes that such actions are being taken by financial regulators in different countries during the economic crisis, if there are problems in the banking market, the rate cut could be more.

At the same time, how traditionally cautious the Central Bank suddenly reduced the key rate, frightened the market, which was waiting for a decrease of a quarter of a percentage point, and suddenly such an unexpected gift - twice as much. Especially alarming is the decision against the backdrop of the further prolongation by the West of sanctions against our country and the likelihood of their further tightening, which is now actively discussed.

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