The Central Bank "drove" to "Ugra" without grounds

15 December 2017, 19:22 | Economy
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The bank "Yugra" has powerful arguments to prove - the decision to revoke the license and the introduction of the interim administration of the Central Bank of Russia has taken illegally. Their credit organization is ready to present at the upcoming December 18 meeting of the Moscow Arbitration Court. In particular, the Central Bank originally came to the conclusion that there is no reason to deprive Ugra of its license, which is fixed by protocol No. 36. Then the regulator sharply changed his decision, but, in violation of the current legislation, he did not justify, - said the representative of the bank Anton Alexandrov. The affected credit organization insists that the original document is the key proving that Yugra has not violated any of their mandatory ratios established by the Bank of Russia and the bank's own funds were above the required minimum values ??and it should be submitted to the court. The arbitration court upheld this demand of the lawyers of "Yugra", but the Central Bank continues to resist. Representative of the Presidential Envoy for the Rights of Entrepreneurs Boris Titov, who participates in the case as a third person, also supported the credit organization in that when considering the claim, all documents that can shed light on the true state of affairs and involve all interested parties hand.

The matter is that Yugra demanded to invite representatives of the Deposit Insurance Agency to the court, which can shed light on the actions that its "appointees" as temporary administration have taken against the bank before revoking its license. "The Central Bank has no and there was no reason either to enter the temporary administration in the person of the Deposit Insurance Agency, nor to revoke the license, nor to initiate the bankruptcy case of Yugra Bank," said Anton Alexandrov, representative of the founders of the credit organization, that arbitration will be able to understand all the circumstances of the case and make an informed decision.

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