Pensions will be raised a month earlier

15 December 2017, 15:02 | Economy
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From the next year, the terms for indexing insurance pensions to non-working pensioners and fixed payments to them are postponed to new terms.

From now on, pensions will be raised on January 1 of each year. Earlier, they were indexed twice a year - February 1 and April 1. This means that the elderly citizens will receive an increase immediately after the New Year holidays. Corresponding amendments to the law "On insurance pensions" were adopted by the State Duma in the final third reading today, December 15. The document was prepared by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation. In the law, in addition to postponement of the indexation period, a single index of growth of insurance pensions is established. Now pensions are guaranteed to grow by a size exceeding the value of last year's inflation. From January 1, the value of the pension coefficient increases by 1,037 and will amount to 81.49 rubles. The fixed payment to the insurance pension is also indexed at 1,037 - up to 4982,9 rubles. The document also provides for a change in the amount of the social supplement to a pension in connection with the change in the subsistence level. Under the new rules, the total income of a pensioner, including all allowances, can not be less than last year's payments. This means that if in some Russian region the authorities decide to reduce the subsistence minimum of the pensioner, the old people will not reduce their payments. Amendments to the law will insure them against this. However, as the Minister of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Topilin previously stated, such rules will apply only to non-working pensioners. "As for the January indexation, it is proposed to be made only for non-working pensioners, as provided by the existing legislation," said the official. Thus, working pensioners in 2018. will be able to count only on the standard recalculation of pensions on August 1 in connection with the increase in seniority. Today, members of the lower house of parliament also took care of tightening the minimum wage to the subsistence minimum of the able-bodied population.

The government has long promised to do this.

In the final reading, a bill was adopted, according to which in the next year the minimum wage (minimum wage) will be 85% of the subsistence minimum in the second quarter of 2017, namely 9489 rubles per month. Starting in 2019. The minimum wage will be equal to the subsistence minimum of the second quarter of the previous year. As in the case of pensions, if the size of the subsistence minimum of the able-bodied population decreases for a year, then it will not affect the minimum wage for the worse.. It will not decrease.

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