The National Bank weakened the hryvnia on Wednesday

13 December 2017, 08:33 | Economy
photo УРА-Информ
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100 dollars - 2717.7106 UAH;.

100 euros - 3197.6583 UAH;.

10 Russian rubles - 4,6191 UAH.

At the same time, the regulator set for December 13 the following official (accounting) rates of banking metals for 10 troy ounces:.

Gold - 1,088,055,517;.

Silver - 13,814,981;.

Platinum - 778.210734;.

Palladium - 880.285454.

Recall, the National Bank of Ukraine set on Tuesday, December 12, 2017, the official exchange rates at the level:.

100 dollars - 2713.5720 UAH;.

100 euros - 3200.9295 UAH;.

10 Russian rubles - 4,5810 UAH.

As reported URA-Inform, the National Bank of Ukraine on Thursday, October 26, decided to raise the discount rate from 12.5% ??to 13.5%.

The decision comes into force on October 27. The NBU informs that consumer inflation accelerated to 16.4% in September and exceeded the forecast trajectory.

This is due primarily to the acceleration of prices for raw foodstuffs, the increase in production costs, as well as some revival of consumer demand, explained in the National Bank.

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