National Bank on Thursday again strengthened the hryvnia

13 July 2017, 09:09 | Economy
photo УРА-Информ
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100 dollars - 2591.0667 UAH;.

100 euros - 2966.5130 UAH;.

10 Russian rubles - 4,2741 UAH.

At the same time, the regulator set for July 13 the following official (accounting) rates of banking metals for 10 troy ounces:.

Gold - 314534,04 UAH;.

Silver - 4028.26 UAH;.

Platinum - 232449.50 UAH;.

Palladium - 215567,69 UAH.

Recall, the National Bank of Ukraine set on Wednesday, July 12, 2017, the official exchange rates at the level of:.

100 dollars - 2597.2011 UAH;.

100 euros - 2962,1079 UAH;.

10 Russian rubles - 4,2760 UAH.

As a joint URA-Inform, the National Bank of Ukraine on Thursday, July 6, decided to keep the discount rate at the previous level of 12.5% ??per annum. The corresponding decision was made by the Board of the National Bank.

The Board is convinced that a stable and substantial reduction in interest rates on loans for the real sector of the economy is possible only if price stability is achieved.

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