The US decided on a candidate for the post of head of the Federal Reserve

13 July 2017, 07:58 | Economy
photo УРА-Информ
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This is reported by the publication Politico.

As noted, the US leadership abandoned the idea of ??leaving the current head of the Federal Reserve Bank Janet Yellen for a second term.

At the moment, her rating exceeds Gary Kon. By the way, Kon is the former top manager of Goldman Sachs, who heads the US National Economic Council.

It is likely that the new chairman will not gain the majority in the Senate, since he is not a professional financier.

According to the information, Gary Cohn can really become the first in 40 years the head of the Federal Reserve System.

Recall, as reported by the wound "URA-Inform," Democratic congressman Don Beyer deeply convinced that the United States needs in the coming time to stop any cooperation with Russia. First of all, this concerns the financing that the Pentagon has allocated for joint projects with Russia on cybersecurity.

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